Hi all,

It's been a while since my last post BUT SCHOOL IS STARTING TOMORROW. It's been about 3 years since I attended legitimate lessons and I am really really REALLY anxious, excited, worried (forever), glad and sad.

I'm really worried about the mods I'm taking especially the General Education Modules (GEM) since I'm not good at expressing myself and I HATE CLASS PARTICIPATION (typical engine student worries).

But anyways, I'm also worried about being an outcast in school OMG. I mean I have friends taking the same course as me but our pre-allocated time slots are all different. :( This means I'll have to make new friends and I'm not really good with that since I'm quiet, reserved and don't form a good first impression. There's group work/projects too BUT WHAT IF I DON'T GET ALONG WITH THE OTHER GROUP MEMBERS? Omg I have so many worries right now. I think that I'll just most probably go with the flow for now....

Stay tuned for further updates.

- Alan

Module Review: CN5111 (AY19/20 Semester 2)

CN5111 Optimisation of Chemical Processes is a 4 MC Technical Elective (TE) non-pathway module which teaches optimisation programmes that ...